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所有的谈论 快2.0 以及 渠道到接近市场饱和的地步,就是 快速的’s own) 这是预料之中的结论,甚至在这个节骨眼上也是明智的? 今天推动增长的新的和正在出现的快速增长战略是什么, 与一两年前不同? And how have the strikes in Hollywood that consumed at least 2 quarters of the year impacted channel and content development? At 流媒体连接2023, 克里斯·普法夫 of 克里斯·普法夫 Tech Media posed these questions to three executives from key players in the 快 ecosystem: HARTBEAT, 伏波, 和爱丝特雷娜媒体.

凯文·哈特创立的娱乐网络 HARTBEAT (formerly known as Laugh Out Loud), the emerging 快 strategy has been surprisingly YouTube-focused. “我们看到收视时间和收视率都在增长, 但需要注意的是,我们看到的增长是在大公司——Tubi上, 冥王星, 三星, Roku,杰夫·克拉纳根说, HARTBEAT的总裁兼首席分销官. “我们刚刚在YouTube页面上推出了一个快频道,效果非常好. 我们到现在才住了四个月. The advantage that we had in doing that is we already had a YouTube page that had five million subscribers on it. So what we were able to do--which I think only a couple of people have done-- is launch our 快 stream on our YouTube page versus a separate 快 stream in another environment in YouTube. 所以我们能够接触到我们已经策划好的观众."

以体育为中心的直播电视流媒体网络 伏波, the strategy of leaning heavily into 快 with new channel launches has continued apace despite the writers and actors strikes that have largely halted the production or infusion of new content. 富博内容战略副总裁表示:“富博是一个直播平台 & 玛丽莎·埃利桑多. “我们sports-focused. 在过去的一年里,我们非常重视快空间的思考, 'There is probably a happy medium between the 快 world and the traditional linear networks. 在过去的一年里, 我们采取缓慢而稳定的方法来推出快频道, 我们实际上投入了很大的精力,推出了大约100个快频道. 我们的独特之处在于,我们把它们混合在所有的包装中. 如果你调出我们的频道, 你会看到所有的快通道都混在一起了. 这真是太棒了. 尽管有罢工, we have still had a ton of inbound requests of new networks that are trying to get launched, 想吸引眼球. 所以我很忙, but I don't think the strikes have deterred any independent nets or new nets from trying to get additional distribution."

“快已经显著增长,”他说 克里斯蒂娜涌,西班牙语多平台媒体公司业务运营副总裁 爱丝特雷娜媒体. “在过去三年里, our business at Estrella has really grown from 快 distribution at $0 to a multi-million-dollar business. We work with a number of different partners such as 伏波 where we have our four channels: Estrella TV, 爱丝特雷娜新闻, 爱丝特雷娜游戏, 和Cine Estrella, 哪个是我们的电影频道. And we've seen astronomical growth because I think viewers in the world are looking for places where they can find content outside of just buying a cable subscription or a broadcast subscription. So it is an opportunity to have a free ad-supported television experience that is very similar to the traditional linear business. And Estrella has put all of our marketing dollars into 快 and do have our own app, 但是快是我们的面包和黄油. It's grown into this behemoth where we work very closely with all of our different distribution partners and we work on different content strategies with each of them."

在下一篇文章中了解更多关于快的发展状态 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Google TV Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses ongoing shifts in M&E content consumption like the growth of CTV and streaming relative to traditional linear broadcast, 流媒体内容市场的持续分化, and how the transition to more advertising-based monetization models will impact the overall revenue picture in 2024-26 in this clip from her 流媒体 Connect keynote.


随着我们顺利进入快2时代.0, will the strategies that brought 快 success in its early days still pay off and ensure continued growth? 现在是快先锋们重新创新的时候了吗? And what can the success of primetime YouTube channels teach 快 brands about evolving their strategic roadmap in a mature, 少了狂野西部式的快生态系统? 来自Tastemade的Evan Bregman, ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特报道, 和TMB的卡梅隆·萨莱斯在这段来自2023年流媒体连接的视频中讨论.

快速市场的现状:欧洲vs .美国. US

It's well-established that the 快 market matured in the US years earlier than in Europe and other parts of the world. 但随着欧洲市场的增长, 它的发展是否与美国市场相同, and are there lessons in where the US market stumbled that inform 快 strategy in Europe? Streaming Made Easy newsletter author Marion Ranchet and ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道 discuss the state of the 快 ecosystem in Europe in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


在没有订阅收入的情况下,订阅SVOD服务, 什么是快品牌原创和授权节目的理想平衡, 小型和大型供应商有什么不同? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 来自TasteMade的Evan Bregman, and Chicken Soup for the Soul's Philippe Guelton dissect the intricacies of 快 monetization-particularly for niche outfits-in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


伏波 has partnered with Super Hi-fi to launch 伏波 Radio, a suite of 10 custom audio 快 channels. 作为富博基础频道计划的一部分推出, 伏波职业, 伏波 Radio is the first radio experience created from the ground up for an OTT service, 电视优先的界面和音乐节目专门为富博的美国.S. 观众. But will this new service stand out from other streaming radio platforms and build its own unique 观众? 快行业专家克里斯·普法夫和乔纳森·巴巴托提供了一些见解.

CNN Max如何补充华纳兄弟. 探索频道当前的内容策略?

CNN Max在华纳兄弟的哪个位置. 与HBO Max以及其他平台和相关品牌一起成为万神殿? 华纳兄弟. Discovery Product Manager Dan Trotta lays out the initial strategic vision in this exchange with ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道 in this 流媒体连接2023 clip.


关于OTT消费者的偏好和趋势,这些数据告诉了我们什么, 以及平台提供商如何解读这一趋势,以提高用户覆盖面并减少流失? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Hub Entertainment 研究的Jon Giegengack说, and Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.


Navigating today's streaming apps and subscriptions can seem unnecessarily complicated, particularly as paid subscription and free service apps from major content companies often sit side by side, 甚至看起来在相互竞争. Is this a necessary condition, what factors are driving it, and how is it likely to change? 华纳兄弟. 《百家乐软件》杂志的丹尼尔·特罗塔报道, 康泰纳仕的詹妮弗·琼斯, and ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道 discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.


和其他娱乐流媒体一样, 推动快的引擎是内容的货币化, 尤其是大型现场活动, 快 thrives on pairing brands with properties and serving those brands effectively. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023, Revry co-founder Damian Pelliccione and 克里斯·普法夫 of 克里斯·普法夫 Tech Media discuss how Revry works with brands and the sort of brand identification with key Revry programming that enables the industry's leading LGBTQ+ programming destination to thrive and grow.